Sunday, August 5, 2012

About A House - Trim Colour

The Ceraclad is being installed and it's about 2/3 complete for the house. There are very little trim that needs to be painted.  However, the house is looking pretty industrial and needs a small pop of colour to brighten it up. We're toggling between green or orange. My cousin decided to help us out and sent us some Photoshop pictures of our options.

First options: what if we just painted the door orange or green?

Second option: door & trims around the windows orange or green?

The final trim colour will be a little less bright, but the Photoshop pictures give a great illustration of the potential! Hummmm... what to do.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful home. The roof, siding and trims complement quite nicely altogether. I like how the trims give edge and shape to the house. I totally love the design statement of this lovely house. :) -North West Exteriors
