Sunday, August 5, 2012

About A House - Exterior Finish

It's been 4 weeks since the exterior finishing team started working on the outside of the house. This phase of the project is turning out to be taking the most time. The team is responsible for the barrier paper wrapping, soffits, window trims, the cladding and the caulking.

Here a picture beginning of July, just before the team got started:

Here' a picture at end of July with the house almost complete.

The house does have some wood elements to juxtapose with the industrial feel.

Front entrance close up...


Now we're trying to decide on the stain colour for the wood...

1 comment:

  1. If you think the color of the wood on the soffits complements well with the rest of the design elements, you don’t need to stain it. However, to prevent the wood from rotting easily, it would be more ideal to stain it. This will also provide you a much better way to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the house. ->North West Exteriors
