Sunday, August 19, 2012

About A House - Drywall continues

The drywalls were completely put up in 3 days for the main house. The corners were taped in a day. Then for a few days they didn't come as they wanted to wait until the exterior guys vacant the garage. Within a few days after they returned, the first coat of mudding was done & the garage have walls!

Within a couple of hours, the garage went from this:

To this!

About A House - Ceraclad Is Done!

The exterior cladding team finally finished on Aug 15. Drywall guys were actually waiting for them to vacant the garage so they can get started in there. All trades prefer not to come back for the garage unless they have to!

Centra did an excellent job as there was quite a bit of details in the fit & finish. The Ceraclad looks really amazing.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

About A House - Drywall

It's August 2 & the drywall team is here!! Within 2 days, 60% of the house has drywall!

The drywall got delivered 2 weeks prior & a hole had to be cut in the exterior wall to bring the drywall in. 

There is also a hole cut in the ceiling to bring the drywall to the attic floor...

We get a much better sense of the size of the space with the drywall installed...

About A House - Exterior Finish

It's been 4 weeks since the exterior finishing team started working on the outside of the house. This phase of the project is turning out to be taking the most time. The team is responsible for the barrier paper wrapping, soffits, window trims, the cladding and the caulking.

Here a picture beginning of July, just before the team got started:

Here' a picture at end of July with the house almost complete.

The house does have some wood elements to juxtapose with the industrial feel.

Front entrance close up...


Now we're trying to decide on the stain colour for the wood...

About A House - Trim Colour

The Ceraclad is being installed and it's about 2/3 complete for the house. There are very little trim that needs to be painted.  However, the house is looking pretty industrial and needs a small pop of colour to brighten it up. We're toggling between green or orange. My cousin decided to help us out and sent us some Photoshop pictures of our options.

First options: what if we just painted the door orange or green?

Second option: door & trims around the windows orange or green?

The final trim colour will be a little less bright, but the Photoshop pictures give a great illustration of the potential! Hummmm... what to do.

About A House - Insulation

After passing all the inspections for the spaghetti of cables, wiring, plumbing, heating, etc.. behind the walls, it's time for the insulation!

For some reason, the quote for spray foam insulation came in less than the cellulose and fibreglass quote.  We like the higher R value and quick installation of the spray foam, but we had better not ever want to move anything behind those wall! The end product is SOLID and the wiring & pipes are well hidden!

Completion of insulation work: July 24 and it only took 3 days!