Saturday, June 16, 2012

About A House - The Garage

Space is a premium on a standard lot when building new. There just isn't room to maneuver equipments or store large size stuff! Our garage couldn't be started until the SIP roof was completed as the yard was needed to store its large jigsaw pieces.

Once the SIP was done, the garage got started in a hurry in mid April.  Although it wasn't as complex as the foundation for the main house, the ground prep still required taking out the soft soil and backfilled with more stable material before foundation work.

The concrete was poured at the end of Apr...

The framing was prefab and came up quickly, by early May...

The roof was started in mid May. 

Since it's a garage, it isn't SIP and has no insulation... just plywood and then the blue paper. Our wallet is so thankful!

The metal roof installer came and did both the main house and garage at the same time. So it was all done by end of May/start of June.

Here is the roof in its full glory!

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