Saturday, June 16, 2012

About A House... Being There

We are there pretty much every day! Before we moved from ex-house, going to the site was the first thing we do after coffee since it was 5 min away! Now that we live further, we can't get there until after lunch. For us, participating is a vital part of the process and helps us savour the experience!

Wilma's designs are so detailed that most elements were already specified in the drawings. However, you can only experience the real deal when it comes to life and can actually compare what was intended to what's here now.  We walk through everyday critiquing the space, challenging our eyes to look for improvements.

There were a small number of changes to the design that will make a big difference to the house.

We opened up a small half wall on the staircase to the attic. It's just about 3 steps, but visually it'll appear much more open.

The more significant change is in our attic bedroom, we opted for the vaulted ceiling with the exposed crossed beam rather than having a flat ceiling. My closet opening got pushed back towards the slanted area to give the bed more space.

Countless minor changes and decisions come to light when we're there! It's like they're waiting for us to be discovered.

To experience it fully, we now know more about construction material, building process and the engineering and technology behind this house than we thought we would.  It's all consuming and absorbs us completely, but we have discovered over the years how much we love it! To enjoy the moment is what it's about as once it's finished.... it's gone, unless we do it again?!? Now that'd be CRAZY!

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