Tuesday, May 15, 2012

About A House - SIP Roof

The SIP roof arrived on Apr 3. There was a massive amount of panels in large pieces stacked up on the wider side street waiting to be transported onto the property.

Each panel is labeled to be fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle once lifted up.

From the side street, they are moved onto either the front or the back of the property depending on which side of the roof it is for.

Although there are many advantages of the SIP roof, the major benefit in our case is not even listed. It is the usage of the living space in the attic for our design. Our master bedroom & bathroom, laundry room, storage area and utility components such as HVAC and hot water tanks are all located on the top floor. Without any trusses, there is no wasted slant space under the roof.

It is fast to install as advertised....

By April 11, the SIP roof is done!

What about the cost? Compared to a truss roof for a standard house, SIP probably costs more if the added benefits of energy savings and even temperature are not considered. But our design allows very little truss to support the roof, we believe the cost of our roof would have been higher than normal. We were in the attic on a warm sunny day and the house is still not sealed or insulated except for the SIP rood.  It was not hot or stuffy. Pretty cool!