Friday, May 11, 2012

About A House - Saving Mature Plants

We've moved out of ex-house last week! That was some undertaking!! I can't believe the amount of stuff we have accumulated in our past 13 years at that house.

One of things I loved the most about our ex-house was the mature plants around the property. It was built in 1921 and the original owner had planted hedges, flowering shrubs all around and a cherry blossom at the front of the house. Fast forward 90 ish years and this is what they look like... the property is lush, private and colourful.

The original house at the new property was over 100 years old with plenty of mature plants in the yard. Unfortunately, we couldn't save as many plants as we would have liked because the lot is too narrow to accommodate the space Arthur needs to build the house. But we did manage to save some mature rhododendron, azalea and a Japanese maple. Some of them decided to show us their glorious colours this month to affirm that it was a good decision to make a nursery for them on the edge of the lot. They will be moved to their new homes when we do the landscaping this fall.

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