Wednesday, February 13, 2013

About A House... The Gamster

It's been a few months since we moved into the house. It took us a long time to settle down partly because there was quite a list of finishing touches Arthur's team was still chipping away at. Another reason is we have accumulated significant more stuff over the years living in a bigger house and it took us a long time to figure what to do with it all.  As a result, the suite is fully furnished!

Our dog Gami settled down the fastest out of all of us! We've been extremely impressed with how well she had adjusted to all the changes we've thrown her way in the past year. We moved 6x last year between original house, temporary house, my parent's house and this new house. She just went with the flow with no drama. What a good doggy!

Here's some pictures of her looking comfy in her new environment...

One of her favourite hiding places, on the rug under the dining room table legs.

This is a new "cave" we created for her in the new house under the Moller bench...

The bench doubles as a coffee table book shelf!

It took a little bit more time, but she's even taking a liking to her new balcony & Yard!

Did you spot the dog right way?

Finally, a cute one of her taken just before bedtime, begging for treat!

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