Sunday, September 23, 2012

About A House - Master Bedroom Door

Anyone who knows Dave is aware of his past projects in stained glass. He hasn't picked it up in years. But he's brushing the thick layer of dust off his equipment to make our bedroom door.

It took a few days of mucking around to get the pattern and basic frame squared up. Once he got going, he cut most of the glass in a day!

Here's some pics of over the course of this day of great progress!

Since I can't cut anything other than my fingers, I'm thoroughly bowled over by his talent!

1 comment:

  1. I must say, Dave has an amazing craftsmanship when it comes to making stained glass door. Is this solely his design idea? He has quite a good concept! The details on the door are very intricate. Kudos to him!
    Danielle Bailey @ Vinylume Home Improvement
