Monday, July 23, 2012

About A House - Behind The Walls

There's been a flurry of activities for the past 6 to 8 weeks to run the plumbing, various other pipes, electrical, smart wirings, etc. It is now done and passed all inspections. Here's a few pictures of the spaghetti of wires, pipes, ducts, housings and stuff that are behind the walls.

Timeline of this phase:
  • Mid May: start of heating system and earthquake enforcements
  • Early June: smart wirings for phone, cable, internet, alarm, etc.
  • Mid June: start of electrical and sprinkler system
  • Early to Mid July: plumbing work and water tests
  • 3rd week of July: all inspections passed ready for insulation
Prior to insulation, we took a video of what's behind every wall and Arthur took over 90 pictures in case we ever need to access behind the dry wall.

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