Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wet, Wet, Dark & Quiet

We're having one of those dark, dark rainy days in YVR where I look at my dog with dread of having to walk her. It just isn't pleasant!  Came across this post on KCRW LA OBSERVED - Visit to Vancouver

Although I personally wouldn't compare LA to any other city, it's always refreshing to receive a different perspective of your situation and be reminded of our good fortunes! We live in a city with a vibrant downtown core, high walkability score hoods, ethnics diversity and their yummy food!

Contrast to this article re: our real estate @globeandmail Is Vancouver Real Estate a Bubble which questions if we're building an unattainable lifestyle for the locals.

Well... here is this local's list of YVR+: Granville Island, Commercial Dr, Main St, Openness to other cultures, Yoga studios, Farmer's Markets, Thomas Haas, amazing public library, network of talented folks seeking a better balanced life, sea walls & beaches, Japanese & other Asian food, small enough to still find tranquility.  It's definitely in the "preferred" lifestyle category! But do fully appreciate the concerns the article raised as it isn't available to all. Friends have chose other cities rather than struggle here.

On a day like today, when the darkness & rain is relentless, it is terrific to receive affirmation of why we love YVR. Guess it's time to put on the gear & give the dog her afternoon walk with a quieter sigh!