Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Always On the Lookout

This passion started 6 years ago on a trip to Italy, we discovered that all Italians know how to pull a shot AND cook al dente pasta. We were so captivated by the La Dolce Vita that we have returned to Italy 3 more times and have learned to pull shots AND make pasta the Italian way. Sweet!

Through our travels, we're always seeking all the premium coffee houses at every destination.

France: French coffee can't match the Italians.  Why no crema?

Portugal: Ditto with the French.

Turkey: We were split on this, hubby enjoyed the Turkish coffee while I thought it was sludge and switched over to apple tea.

Greece: Similar to Turkey, although they would each strongly disagree!

Japan: V sophisticated & delicate siphon coffee and dark, dark charcoal roasts. Good drip substitutes.

As for North America:

Ottawa: This is a tough one, absolute wasteland when it comes to coffee. Usually head over to a typical coffee bar in Little Italy to ease the addiction. My cousin, the home barista, works too!

Montreal: a few good roasting houses near Jean Talon market, of course the Italian part of town.

San Diego March 2010 visit: Peet's in Hillcrest was close by so it was just too easy...

NYC Aug 2010 visit: was there for a week this Aug. The coffee scene is SBC, SBC, SBC.... Looking for something out of the ordinary required guidance from NYT best coffee interactive map. Spread out all over the city, definitely was extra effort to seek them out. Memorable was  Roasting Plant, the recently roasted beans travel from their pod to the grinder when ordered. Also sampled Zibetto and Joe, the art of coffee.

Seattle: Technically it's from Portland, but Stumptown is awesome! A little out of the way, so the sake of convenience, Seattle Coffee Works and Cafe Migliore satisfied.

Portland Dec 2010 visit: Definitely the best Java! So many good ones the last time we visited! Stumptown of course, Barista and Coava.

Here's the "Best of Portland 2011" if interested!

San Francisco Dec 2011 visit: They like their milk coooolllll @ 135, my preference is 145.
Blue Bottle Coffee - monopoly @ the Ferry Terminal Market
Four Barrel Coffee & Ritual Coffee in the uber cool Mission area

Strong correlation between edging coffee shop and vinyl spinning in SFO! Drip coffee elevated to personalized "made to order" with a line up that is longer than the expresso one. There is no such thing as getting a quick cup of coffee at these places.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wet, Wet, Dark & Quiet

We're having one of those dark, dark rainy days in YVR where I look at my dog with dread of having to walk her. It just isn't pleasant!  Came across this post on KCRW LA OBSERVED - Visit to Vancouver

Although I personally wouldn't compare LA to any other city, it's always refreshing to receive a different perspective of your situation and be reminded of our good fortunes! We live in a city with a vibrant downtown core, high walkability score hoods, ethnics diversity and their yummy food!

Contrast to this article re: our real estate @globeandmail Is Vancouver Real Estate a Bubble which questions if we're building an unattainable lifestyle for the locals.

Well... here is this local's list of YVR+: Granville Island, Commercial Dr, Main St, Openness to other cultures, Yoga studios, Farmer's Markets, Thomas Haas, amazing public library, network of talented folks seeking a better balanced life, sea walls & beaches, Japanese & other Asian food, small enough to still find tranquility.  It's definitely in the "preferred" lifestyle category! But do fully appreciate the concerns the article raised as it isn't available to all. Friends have chose other cities rather than struggle here.

On a day like today, when the darkness & rain is relentless, it is terrific to receive affirmation of why we love YVR. Guess it's time to put on the gear & give the dog her afternoon walk with a quieter sigh!